We have the pleasure to announce that we have just published the data files of the Latinobarómetro 2009. Latinobarómetro is an annual public opinion survey that involves some 19,000 interviews in 18 Latin American countries, representing more than 400 million inhabitants.Moreover, we opened the database of Latinobarómetro 2006 which allows now to download the files from 1995 to 2006 for free, in formats compatible with SPSS, Stat or SAS. All these files are available in English or Spanish.Also great news is that from now on the online analysis includes data for Spain for the years 1996 to 2004 (except 1999 which had no wave made).
The JDSurvey's online analysis tool allows to analyze the results interactively. You can select a sample (or samples) and choose the variable you want to analyze in the question index, read the question text, analyze marginals, cross-tabulations and graphics. Click here to access the collection.Last but not least, we inform you about the following actualization of the data bases: we introduced the codes for the political parties and regions of all countries for the years 2005 to 2009. The voting intention, measured by the question “If elections were held this Sunday, which party would you vote for?”, is crucial for determining a subject’s political ideology, a sociodemographic variable of great explanatory value.