ASEP is a private consulting firm, established in 1982, whose main purpose is social, economic and political research. Its founder and president, Prof. Dr. Juan Díez-Nicolás, is a Professor of Sociology since 1971.
ASEP carries out every month since 1986 a national survey on “Spaniards’ Public Opinion”, based on a sample of 1,200 respondents, representative of the Spanish population 18 years and over, that includes a fixed System of Indicators on economic, consumer, political and mass media attitudes and behaviour (that allows the accumulation of long time series), as well as opinions on the main current events (that allows the construction of an important historical archive on the variations of public opinion attitudes about a great variety of public issues). If you wish to see the evolution of the most relevant indicators in the last month, Monthly ASEP Graphic. In order to see the graphic you must have installed the Acrobat Reader.
A summary of this monthly report, together with an interpretative analysis of the social, economic and political context in which the monthly survey was taken is distributed also every month under the title of FLASHES.
In addition to the monthly survey, ASEP carries out many other researches, most of them through face-to-face home surveys, as well as content analysis and follow up of news in mass media (in collaboration with JDComunicación), and other non-periodic surveys, both for public and private organizations, with a special emphasis on the study of public opinion and other issues of basic academic interest.
Among the studies on content analysis of mass media some stand out, as those carried out during the last three general elections (1993, 1996, 2000 and 2004) combining the content analysis of all TV news programs (public and private channels) during the electoral campaign and pre-campaign periods, with the analysis of pre- and post- electoral surveys.
ASEP, in collaboration with JDSystems, is a member of some of the main international comparative research projects in the social sciences, as the World Values Survey, the International Social Survey Program, the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, and the European Elections Study, as well as other groups interested in the methodology of social research and in data archives (Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, Network of Economic and Social Science Infrastructures in Europe, International Data Forum, etc.).